In coming to His truth, we receive the full loving and refining chastisement of our Father. In acceptance of His love and truth are all the pangs of labor in the rebirthing of our spirit.
The shame breaks us and brings us to our knees and longing of death. So, we give and do not take. And when we give; we give all to die with Him.
Now, having been touched by His grace, we behold His light, love, and magnitude. Seeing past the veil, and now in plain view, we behold the cloud of darkness cast upon us.
Those who see, know that you see. It is not long for the ruler of this world to find you.
Our feet are well shod, and we dig in, just as our Brother in blood, the Holy One, Christ Jesus.
So, we shall bring the rod from Zion. We set up camp upon the less trodden trail in this great valley and shadow; where there is never a time when we are not preyed upon by the wolves.
So, we seek shelter under His wing, like our brother Jonah, and we pray for just reprisal and the whirlwind of His righteous indignation.
We are crying in the wilderness. We cry out praises for the glory of His name. The cry pours out from us, along with His creation. We cry for regeneration in the washing and renewal of His love and atonement. And we know in the absolution of the Spirit; He has done it.
All that is old shall be new, the lion shall lay with the lamb, and no longer shall any child of God be taught His way; as it will be instilled in us when in His presence. And we pray for this time to come.
We pray for when our cup is finished, every last dreg. We account for, mend, and nourish every tear which He rewards us in our calling and being. Every tear of sorrow, every tear of anger, every tear of joy, and any tear we are allotted through the Spirit; each being a token of victory in our spirit rising above the flesh. So, beloved, it is true, in Zion there shall be no more tears. There we are victorious. There we have renewed virtue and honor, there is the city of truth, there is our home, for there is where He dwells and reigns.
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